12 October 2022
Half and a year of our foundation

Half and a year of our foundation . It official date's it 6 months. But all of us were engaged in volunteering from the first day of the war and the charity was long before it began, in 2014.

Registration of the Charitable Foundation "Rebirth Energy" made it possible to unite active people who are above all else strive for the victory of Ukraine. Some of us defend our country in various units of the Armed Forces, others ensure the energy independence of the country, some develop small and medium-sized businesses. And we are all a part of the great Ukrainian nation. Whose truth, strength, and will cannot be defeated, destroyed, or conquered.

The creation of the Fund made it possible to attract considerable European aid. Our partners from many European countries believed in us and transferred more than one hundred tons of humanitarian goods through the Fund for Ukrainians. And this process continues all the time.

Remembering those who need our help in the east and south of the country, we do not forget about the "guests" of Vinnytsia. We have opened 4 centers of humanitarian aid in communities of the region for forcibly displaced persons. We hope that later they will provide not only humanitarian, but also professional psychological and legal assistance.

A lot of events happened during these months. Our volunteers visited the hottest points of the front. We carried everything for our military - clothes, medicine, food, cars, drones, thermal imaging and armor. They did not forget about the civilian population. In part, we were the first to come to people with help.

More awaits us ahead. And we can do everything! And we will definitely win!